Announcement of our founding in 1847

A munificent individual in England appropriated a large sum of money two years ago to the building and endowment of a Church for your benefit, in this City. The Church is now finished, and is to be Consecrated to the Worship of Almighty God, on WEDNESDAY, the TWENTY-SEVENTH INSTANT, at ELEVEN o’clock, and in it the Gospel is to be preached and the Sacraments dispensed, without money and without price, forever. You are earnestly and affectionately invited to be present on that interesting occasion, and afterwards, on Sundays and Holydays, to avail yourselves of this noble Charity, which seeks the salvation of the souls of men. The Church is fitted up in the most comfortable manner, and the seats within it are all free for your accommodation. The means of Grace are thus placed abundantly within your reach, to whom God has not vouchsafed the gifts of wealth, and the ability to pay for the building of Churches. It is only required, in return, that you give regular attendance on the public worship.

Prayer Books and Bibles will be found for those who have them not, and are unable to procure them.
A Sunday School for the children will be forthwith established; and also a Day School, as soon as proper arrangements can be made, at which all the children of the congregation will be educated, with little or no expense to their parents.

Donations of clothing, towards the approach of winter, will also be given, at the desire of the Benefactor, to such indigent families as give sufficient evidence of their disposition to become permanent worshippers in the Church of the Holy Trinity.

Toronto, October 23, 1847.


On Key

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