Parish Resolution on Same Sex Marriage

Whereas God finds a resting place in love genuinely expressed between two people;

Whereas Jesus’ ministry embraced an inclusive solidarity with those who were alienated and excluded by the dominant culture of his day;

Whereas the Gospel value of loving one’s neighbour involves acting with, not simply standing beside, those seeking justice;

Whereas providing an equal pastoral response to same-sex couples who present themselves for blessing or marriage as to couples of the opposite sex is a matter of conscience and integrity for the clergy and people of the Church of the Holy Trinity in Toronto;

Whereas in 1976, through the conscience clause passed by General Synod regarding the ordination of women (permitting persons to continue to act out of their conscience in ways no longer consistent with the General Synod), the Anglican Church of Canada recognized “the tolerability of living with an anomaly”;

Whereas General Synod 2007 is poised to make a decision as to the acceptability of the blessing of same-sex unions in the Anglican Church of Canada;

Be it resolved that the Church of the Holy Trinity will, with the intention of remaining in the Anglican Church of Canada and the communion, continue to exercise its conscience and bless same-sex unions and marry same-sex couples.


On Key

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