November 1, 2008 – All Saints Day

Incumbent: The Rev’d Sherman Hesselgrave
Music Director: Becca Whitla Celebrant: Jim Ferry
Coordinator: Carole Clark

Welcome to the Church of the Holy Trinity. We are delighted to have you
with us this morning. Holy Trinity is an accessible, justice-seeking,
and queer-positive community in the heart of downtown Toronto. Our
services are planned and led by lay people – volunteers from our
community. Communion is celebrated by our Incumbent or one of our
non-stipendiary priests who are members of the community. We try to use
language in our worship which includes us all, and we encourage the
extensive participation of each person in the worship and life of the
Church. At the Peace we move about freely, greeting one another. During
the offertory hymn we will move to create a circle around the altar for
the Prayers of the People and Communion – all are welcome to share in
communion (the Eucharist) as they feel comfortable. Please fill out the
Newcomers Form in the bulletin if you wish to be contacted.

10 Trinity Square, Tor, Ont, M5G 1B1
Tel:(416) 598-4521

✜ Welcome
✜ Opening Meditation: Gloria, Hallelujah
✜ Hymn (All rise, in body or spirit): “Give Thanks for Life”
words: Shirley Erena Murray, tune: Sine Nomine
1. Give thanks for life, the measure of our days,
Mortal, we pass through beauty that decays,
Yet sing to God our hope, our love, our praise,
Hallelujah, hallelujah!

2. Give thanks for those who made their life a light
Caught from the Christ-flame, bursting through the night,
Who touched the truth, who burned for what is right,
Hallelujah, hallelujah!

3. And for our own, our living and our dead,
Thanks for the love by which our life is fed,
A love not changed by time or death or dread,
Hallelujah, hallelujah!

4. Give thanks for hope, that like the wheat, the grain
Lying in darkness does its life retain
In resurrection to grow green again,
Hallelujah, hallelujah!

✜ Greeting:
All: May the grace of Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion
of the Holy Spirit be with us all.
✜ The Collect for Purity
All: All loving God to you all hearts are open, all desires known, and
from you no secrets are hidden. Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by
the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you, and
worthily praise your holy name; through Christ our Saviour. Amen.

✜ Kyrie eleison, Criste eleison, Kyrie eleison
(Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy)

✜ Confession:
One: For the absolution and remission of our sins and offenses, let us
pray to God. Silence
One: God in your mercy:
All: Hear our prayer.
One: We are a forgiven people: God’s spirit is free among us.
All: Thanks be to God.

✜ The Exchange of Peace
It is our custom to move about to exchange the peace. Please be mindful
that it is flu season. Concerns about flu mean some people are
uncomfortable shaking hands and/or hugging. A smile and nod, or the sign
of peace “V” are other suggested alternatives.
One: The Peace of Christ be always with you:
All: And also with you.

✜Announcements: Members of the community share important news

✜ Prayer after announcements
All: Grant, O God, that in these activities and events we may do your
will with strength, wisdom, and compassion, for the good of your reign
of justice and peace. Amen


✜ Collect for the Day:
One: Let us pray… Silence
All: O Almighty God, who has knit us together as one holy people; grant
us grace so to follow your blessed Saints in lives of faith and
commitment and to know the inexpressible joys of participation in your
reign of justice and peace; through Jesus Christ our Saviour, AMEN.

✜ The First Reading: Reader: Merylie Wade Houston
Reader: A Reading from the Book of . . .

Reader: Hear what the Spirit says to God’s people
All: Thanks be to God Silence

Gradual Hymn: Granito de Mostaza
The collection will be received during the singing of this hymn. All
rise, in body or spirit for the hymn and Gospel.

✜ Holy Gospel:
Reader: May God be with you
All: And also with you
Reader: The Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to . . .
All: Glory to Christ our Saviour
after the reading
Reader: The Gospel of Christ
All: Praise to Christ our Saviour Silence

✜ Homily: Carole Clark

We will gather in a circle around the altar to share the gifts of bread
and wine and other offerings, the symbols of our common life. All are
welcome. You may also stay seated and , if you wish, communion will be
brought to you.

✜Offertory Hymn: “When the Saints Go Marching In”

O When the saints go marching in…
O how I long to be in that number, when the saints go marching in.

When the sun refused to shine…

When we all have food to eat…
When the rich go out to work…

When the air is pure and clean…

When the trumpet sounds the call…

When the Saints go marching in…
✜Prayers of the People: In our prayers today, we remember: in the
Anglican Cycle: Ughelli – (Province of Bendel, Nigeria); in the Diocesan
Cycle, Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund and the San Esteban
congregation here at Holy Trinity. The community now offers its prayers,
both spoken and unspoken. Please keep your prayers brief.

✜The Great Thanksgiving Presider: Jim Ferry
Please do not dip the bread into the wine. The bread and wine will be
passed around the circle, but if you prefer you may receive at the
gluten-free station at the altar.

Eucharistic Prayer

Presider: Let us gather at God’s table. Grown-ups, are you here?
Say Amen.
Grown-ups: Amen
Presider: Children, are you here? Say Amen
Children: Amen.
Presider: For the saints who are with us, Say Amen.
All: Amen.

Presider: With all God’s creation, Say Amen.
All: Amen.

Presider: God most loving, God most wonderful, when there was nothing,
you began creating everything in beauty and goodness. when Miriam saved
her brother Moses they endured to lead their people Israel to freedom;
when Samuel heard God’s voice in the night, he said “yes” and became
God’s helper; when Mary heard the angel’s call, she joined with you and
turned the world upside down; ad so with all God’s children the whole
creation sings this song of joy:

Holy, holy, holy One,
God of power and might,
Heaven and earth are full of your glory,
Hosanna in the highest!
Blessed is the one who comes in the name of God!
Hosanna in the highest!

Presider: God most loving, God most wonderful, when the world needed
you, you came as Jesus, the child of our hope; when he was twelve, Jesus
explained the Bible to the teachers in the temple; when he was a
grown-up, he brought the children close to him. When children got sick,
he came to them and made them better; when people were hungry, a boy
offered his bread and fish so Jesus could feed them.

Because you love us, O God, you invite us to come together around your
table as Jesus gathered with friends for supper on the night before he died.

Jesus took bread, and gave thanks; broke it, and shared it with them,
saying: take and eat; this is bread for the journey—my body, given for
you. Do this to remember me. After supper, Jesus took the cup of wine,
gave thanks, and shared it with them saying: This is the cup of
blessing—my blood shed for you and for all people. Do this to remember me.

Remembering Christ’s dying, let the people say Amen. Amen! Celebrating
Christ’s rising, let the people shout Amen. Amen! Looking for Christ’s
coming again. Let the people sing Amen. Amen!

God most holy, God most motherly, pour out your Spirit upon this bread
and wine so we may become a community of love, joy, and friendship.

May we taste and see your gift of life, shared at this table, shared
with the world here and everywhere, now and always, and let all the people
say Amen. AMEN.

✜The Saviour’s Prayer
O God, our Mother and Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your
reign come, your will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us today our
daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the realm,
the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever. AMEN.

At the breaking of the bread
Presider: Taste and see that God is good, and let the people say Amen. Amen!

✜Communion Anthems p. 40-48
✜Glory to God: Glory to God, whose power, working in us, can do
infinitely more than we can ask or imagine. Glory to God, from
generation to generation, in the Church and in Christ Jesus, for ever
and ever. AMEN.
✜Closing Hymn: Mungu Ni Mwema – Know that God is Good
✜Dismissal: p. 36 in the green booklet
Please join us after the service
at the back of the church for a light lunch.

Report to Parish
The Executive Committee of the Vestry met on Monday, October 18, 2009.
In our meeting we approved an interim policy on Welcoming, Safety and
Security that will be our policy until the fall Vestry. The policy came
about from a request form staff on clarification of roles and
responsibilities and follows numerous consultations with various
stakeholders including members of the People Presence ministry, Sunday
Breakfast volunteers, caretakers and other staff. We want to thank all
involved for their comments and suggestions and invite all members of
parish to review and comment on the policy, which will change and
develop along with parish needs and insights.
We reviewed plans for our weekend Special Vestry, financial reports and
a very thoughtful report from the property committee, which we will be
considering at length. Our property issues may be the focus of one of
our upcoming special vestries.Should you have any questions about our
deliberations, please feel free to speak to any of us.
Beth Baskin, Dick Moore, Chris Lind, Jim Love, Rena Post, Jean Robinson,
Malcolm Savage, Sherman Hesselgrave and Carole Clarke

November 1, 2009 WEEKLY NOTICES

Please help keep our space looking sharp!!
If your committee has a meeting or you are using the space for something
else, please leave the space as it was when you started.
Thank you very much.

Upcoming readings:
Nov 8: Ruth 3:1-5; 4:13-17 or 1 Kings 17:8-16; Psalm 127 or
Psalm 146; Hebrews 9:24-28; Mark 12:38-44

Saturday, November 7, 7:00 pm
Church of the Holy Trinity
(Right beside the Eaton Centre)
Evening of Musical Celebration for the new organ; to thank donors and
volunteers who made our organ campaign a success.
Free admission
7:00 Reception and Silent Auction
(including organ pipes), cheese and wine (cash bar)
7:30 Hear this wonderful organ played by Wm O’Meara, Becca Whitla with
dancer Aina Arro, and the Echo Women’s Choir
Come and Enjoy!! 416-598-4521, ex 224

Zero Nuclear Weapons Forum Agenda
All events are free and open to the public, and will take place in the
Council Chamber at Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen St W, Toronto

Friday, November 13, 2009 Forum I: 7– 9:30 pm. We Are at a Turning Point
Welcoming address by David Miller, Mayor of Toronto
• Anthony Cary, British High Commissioner to Canada
• Jonathan Schell, Author and analyst of nuclear arms
• Tadatoshi Akiba, Mayor of Hiroshima and president of Mayors for Peace
(by interactive video-conferencing from Japan.)
Moderator: Alexa McDonough; formerly federal leader of the New
Democratic Party; President, Mount St. Vincent University

Saturday, November 14, 2009: Forum II: 10 – 12:30 Surmounting the Obstacles
• Pavel Podvig, Stanford University, Center for International and
Strategic Studies (by videoconferencing from Geneva)
• Ernie Regehr, O.C., Senior Policy Adviser, Project Ploughshares
• Trevor Findlay, Director, Canadian Centre for Treaty Compliance
Moderator: Olivia Ward, Toronto-based journalist
Workshop I: 1:30 pm – 2:50 pm. Arctic Nuclear Weapon Free Zone
• Michael Wallace, University of British Columbia
• Michael Byers, University of British Columbia
• Adele Buckley, Canadian Pugwash
Moderator: Steven Staples, President, Rideau Institute
Forum III: 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm. Arousing and Sustaining Political Will
• Rebecca Johnson The Acronym Institute, London (by videoconferencing)
• Christopher Westdal, Former Canadian Ambassador to Russia
• Douglas Roche, O.C., Former Canadian Ambassador for Disarmament;
Former Canadian Senator.
Moderator: Sergei Plekhanov, Professor of Political Science, York University
Zero Nuclear Weapons Public Forum
Co-sponsored by the Canadian Pugwash Group, Science for Peace,
Physicians for Global Survival, and Canadian Voice of Women for Peace
For information contact Professor Metta Spencer, forum organizer:

The Homeless Memorial is on the second Tuesday of every month at 12:00
outside the south doors of the church

The Holy Trinity Choir will be meeting on Thursday evenings from Oct 29
– Dec.5, between 7 and 8:30 p.m. All welcome.


On Key

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