Bulletin – Sunday January 10, 2009

Baptism of Jesus: January 10, 2010

Incumbent: The Rev’d  Sherman  Hesselgrave
Music Director: Becca Whitla
Coordinator: Nancy Whitla
Celebrant: Sherman Hesselgrave
Deacon and Homilist: Joyce Barnett
Baptizand: Benjamin Michael Hall (born Jan 4, 2009)

Welcome to the Church of the Holy Trinity.  We are delighted to have you with us this morning. Holy Trinity is an accessible, active, vibrant, justice-seeking, queer-positive community in the heart of downtown Toronto. We try to use language in our worship which includes us all, and we encourage the extensive participation of each person in the worship and life of the Church. At the Peace we move about freely, greeting one another. During the offertory hymn we will move to create a circle around the altar for the Prayers of the People.  All are welcome to share in the Eucharist as they feel comfortable. To help you know Holy Trinity better, and to help you navigate through this service, be sure you have one of the handouts, Welcome to the Church of the Holy Trinity. A special welcome Newcomers!!!! Please fill out the Newcomers Form which will let us know how to reach you.

10 Trinity Square
Tor, Ont, M5G 1B1
Tel:(416) 598-4521

We gather in our pews for the morning welcome

✜ Welcome
✜ Opening Meditation
✜ Opening hymn
“Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light”    #83

One:    Friends, we gather today as the Church in this place to perform an action for the universal Church, into which Benjamin is to be admitted by baptism. We are called therefore to witness his admission into the Household of Faith and, remembering our own baptism, to offer him our prayers and support in the life in Christ’s service that lies before him.

And first, let us pray . . .
All:     May the grace of Jesus Christ, the love of God, and
the communion of the Holy Spirit be with us all.

✜ The Collect for Purity
All: All loving God to you all hearts are open, all desires known, and from you no secrets are hidden.  Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you, and worthily praise your holy name; through Christ our Saviour. Amen.

✜ Peruvian Gloria

✜ Confession:
One:     For the absolution and remission of our sins and offenses, let us pray to God.             Silence
One:     God in your mercy:
All:     Hear our prayer.
One:     We are a forgiven people: God’s spirit is free among us.
All:     Thanks be to God.

✜Announcements: Members of the community share important news
✜ Prayer after announcements
All:     Grant, O God, that in these activities and events we may do your will with strength, wisdom, and compassion, for the good of your reign of justice and peace. Amen


✜ Collect for the Day: God of grace and glory, you call us with your voice of flame to be your people, faithful and courageous. As your beloved Son embraced his mission in the waters of baptism, inspire us with the fire of your Spirit to join in his transforming work. We ask this in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns for ever and ever. AMEN.

✜ The Hebrew Scripture: Isaiah 43:1-7    Reader: Suzanne Rumsey
after the reading
Reader:     Hear what the Spirit says to God’s people
All:     Thanks be to God

✜Psalm 29    A Hymn
Adapted, Ian Sowton
STRENGTH and glory, O you heavenly beings,
ascribe strength and glory to the E-ternal.
2 Ascribe to God the glory of the sacred name,
and worship Elohim in ho-ly splendour.

3 The Creator’s voice sounds across the waters;
The glory of God thunders over mighty torrents.
4 The voice of the Holy One is full of power,
full of majesty, 5 enough to splinter cedars.

God snaps off the cedars of Lebanon,
6 making Lebanon skitter like a calf,
and Sirion like a young wild ox.
7 The voice of Yahweh flashes out tongues of fire.

8 That voice! – it shakes the wilderness;
it rocks the desert waste-lands of Kadish.
9 It whirls the oaks, it strips the forests bare,
while everyone in the temple cries, “Glory be!”

10 Regal and secure above the flood,
God sits enthroned as Creator for-ever.
11 May El Shaddai give strength to her people!
May she bless every one of them with peace!

✜ Epistle: Acts 8:14-17    Reader: Lisa Woodley
Reader:      A Reading from . . .
Reader:      Hear what the Spirit says to the Churches
All:     Thanks be to God        Silence

✜ Hymn  (all rise, in body or spirit for the hymn and Gospel):
“Will You Come and See the Light”    #96

✜ Holy Gospel: Luke 3:15-17, 21-22    Reader: Susan Watson
Reader:     May God be with you    All: And also with you
Reader:      The Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Luke
All:      Glory to Christ our Saviour
after the reading
Reader: The Gospel of Christ     All: Praise to Christ our Saviour
✜ Homily:    Joyce Barnett

The Baptism
Presider: Sherman Hesselgrave    Deacon: Alison Kemper
Parents: Elizabeth Maryan Woodley-Hall and Michael Edward Hall
Parish Sponsor: Susan Watson
Godparents; Matt Woodley and Lisa Woodley

✜Hymn: ‟Hymn for a Baptism”
1.  We’ll sing in the morning a song of creation
Of Your breath that stirs up the waters to birth;
And here at the fount of Christ’s mercy we join You,
Co-heirs of heaven and stewards of Your gracious earth.

2.  We’ll sing in the noontime a song of redemption:
How Naaman was cleansed in the flow of Your grace:
How, when we were sick in our sin You released us
To laugh in health and dance in love before Your face.

3.  We’ll sing in the evening a song of Your pastures,
Of rivers that gladden the City of God;
And when we arrive on the bank of our Jordan
You’ll help us through its cold by fords Your saints have trod.                        -Ian Sowton, Holy Trinity Community, 1977

Parents, godparents & sponsors bring Benjamin to the centre.

One:        Parents, Godparents, and Sponsors, why do you come to this water?
Sponsors:        We bring Benjamin Michael Hall to be baptized.
One:        Do you believe the Christian faith?
Sponsors:       We believe.

Statements from the sponsors, and the parish



One:    Against the powers of sin, against the agents of death, in the world and in our lives
All:    Set, O God, the strength of your love.
One:    For the pain and injustice of the world, we ask for healing and justice
All:    O God have mercy.
One:    For the brokenness of the world, for those broken around us, for all brokenness we carry within
All:    O God have mercy.
One:    For our defacement of your image in our neighbour, and in ourselves
All:    O God have mercy.
One:    For our misuse of the earth, the waters, and the air; for our squandering of the gifts of creation and human life
All:    O God have mercy.
One:     For our fear of  human vision; for our hardness to acts of human warmth; for our rejection of calls to service
All:    Anoint us, O God, and open our hearts.
One:    In all times of sickness, in all times of sorrow,
in all times of doubt, in all times of despair
All:    Come, God, in healing and hope.
One:    Turn us, O God, from the littleness of self
All:    Fill us, O God, with your Spirit.


One:    Turn us to you and to your life in our neighbours
All:    Turn us, O God, for we trust in you.
One:    Set before us the way of the prophets, the way of holy women and men in all ages, the way of the Cross, and your way of life in our time
All:    God, you are the way.
One:    We praise you for all that is good or beautiful or true in creation and in our daily lives
All:    God, you are the truth.
One:    We thank you O God, for the gifts of human life, for you share our humanness, and fill our lives with meaning and wonder
All:    God you are the life.
One:    We bless you for the grace of our holy faith, for the faith of parents and friends that sustains us, for the faith we receive from the saints who have gone before us, for the faith we pass on to our successors; for the faith we hold in trust
All:    God you are our faith.
One:    We praise you for the hope before us; for the coming years, for your wonders in time and space; for our hope in ourselves, each other, and our children
All:    God you are our hope.
One:    We celebrate Christ in every person, in every child; we celebrate the oneness of all in Christ; we celebrate our family in Christ’s Church; we celebrate the love which makes us one
All:    God you are our love.

Water is poured into the font


God of all mothering might and source of our being, we thank you for the gift of  water which is the gift of all life.  For from your waters before all ages, your forming Spirit made all worlds to be. For you made water to be the sustenance and healing of all creatures of the earth.  From the waters of your cleansing flood you preserved the mothers and fathers of humankind.  For you made the waters of the Red Sea, to be a gateway for the Children of Israel, on the path to the Promised Land, and a wall of defence against their enemies; And above all because, from the waters of Blessed Mary, our Saviour Jesus Christ was born to bear our human nature, and to make all things new.

Bless, therefore, and hal+low this water of baptism, that in it Benjamin may find refreshment of his soul, and the gateway to a new life.
One: Name this child    [parents and godparents respond]

One:    Benjamin, I baptize you in the name of God:             Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; Mother,
Lover, and Friend.
All:    AMEN.

One:    Benjamin,you are anointed + with
the Holy Spirit into which we are all baptized.
One:    Receive the light of Christ
All:    Share the light of Christ

The newly baptized is introduced with
acclamations and fanfare.

✜ The Exchange of Peace
It is our custom to move about to exchange the peace. Please be mindful that it is flu season. Concerns about flu mean some people are uncomfortable shaking hands and/or hugging.  A smile and nod, or the sign of peace “V” are other suggested alternatives.

One:     The Peace of Christ be always with you:
All:     And also with you.

We gather in a circle around the altar to share the gifts of bread
and wine and other offerings, the symbols of our common life.  All
are welcome. You may also remain seated and, if you wish, communion will be brought to you. Financial offerings will also be received.  You may also join the many who give by Pre-authorized Donation; simply request a PAD form from today’s Coordinator.

✜ Offertory Hymn: “When Jesus Comes to be Baptized”    #100

✜Prayers of the People: In our prayers today, we remember: in the Anglican Cycle: the Church of Bangladesh; in the Diocesan Cycle: the San Esteban congregation here at Holy Trinity . The community now offers its prayers, both spoken and unspoken. Please keep your prayers brief.

✜ The Great Thanksgiving (see orange book)
Presider: Sherman Hesselgrave
Please do not dip the bread into the wine. The bread and wine will be passed around the circle, but if you prefer you may receive at the gluten-free station at the altar.

✜The Saviour’s Prayer O God, our Mother and Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your reign come, your will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.

✜ Communion Hymn: “Born in the Night”    #95

✜Glory to God: Glory to God, whose power, working in us, can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine. Glory to God, from generation to generation, in the Church and in Christ Jesus, for ever and ever. AMEN.

✜ Dismissal
Please join us after the service at the back of the church for a light lunch.

Thank you to everyone who participated this year!

KAIROS PETITIONS: Petitions are available at the People Presence Desk. Please help the campaign to reverse cuts to KAIROS – Canads’s Ecumenical Justice Coalition.

Announcements for the Bulletin: A great way to share information with the community!! Please get your announcement for the bulletin to Becca by Monday for the following Sunday – thanks!
January 10, 2010

Please note: On Sunday mornings, if you have any concerns related to personal safety, please speak with our Incumbent Sherman Hesselgrave, Nola Crewe, our curate or the caretaker on duty.

◆Assistive Hearing Devices are available at the rear of the church. This is an infrared system which works best if you face towards the front of the church.
◆Please help us keep tidy by picking up bulletins and hymn books after the service and returning them to the carts at the entrances of the church. Thanks
◆Prayers: Please feel free to light a candle at the chancel steps, or phone Sherman Hesselgrave with your special prayer requests.
◆Join Holy Trinity’s e-mail list! Contact Alison Kemper at:
◆Scent Free Zone: Please refrain from wearing perfume, cologne, after-shave and highly scented personal hygiene products.
◆Personal Belongings should be kept with you at all times. Sadly we cannot ensure their safety.
Members, please help newcomers and visitors keep track of their belongings.

10:30 – festive contemporary Eucharist in inclusive language with music
2:00 – San Esteban misa en español – Spanish service with the community of San Esteban.
Wednesdays at 12:15pm brief spoken Eucharist with informal discussion of the day’s readings
Parish Groups and Committees
◆Worship Committee: Contact: Lee Creal: 416-466-4216
◆Refugee Committee: Contact Malcolm Savage: 416-421-7248
◆Congregational Care Committee: Contact: Sherman Hesselgrave
◆Property Committee: Contact: Jim Dolmage 416-531-26

Crafting Memory Workshops
Create Your Own Remembrance Cards: Winter 2010
Dates: Monday evenings: February 1,8,15, 22, 2010
Time: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Cost: $175 (includes four workshops and materials)
Location: Holy Trinity Leaders: Susie Henderson, Joyce Barnett

Description: Every session, we will reflect on loss, learn new craft techniques and work on a personal set of cards to mark our own bereavement journeys. Come and share your stories of bereavement with others who have experienced grief, in a safe and supportive environment. Create your own set of remembrance cards and a unique home-made book. Learn some new paper craft and mixed media techniques. See the Remembrance Card Gallery for examples.

Participants will be invited to bring pictures and embellishments to decorate their cards and to use these artifacts in sharing personal stories of bereavement.  No art experience is required and materials are provided. All are welcome. To register or for more information please contact: Joyce Barnett – Phone: 416-698-5183     E-mail: craftingmemory@gmail.com
Website: www.craftingmemory.com

Parish Activities and Announcements:
◆The Homeless Memorial is on the second Tuesday of every month at 12:00 outside the south doors of the church.
◆Please help keep our space looking sharp!! If your committee has a meeting or you are using the space for something else, please leave the space as it was when you started. Thank you very much.
◆Upcoming readings:
January 17 – Epiphany 2: Isaiah 62:1-5; Psalm 36:5-10; 1 Corinthians 12:1-11; John 2:1-11


On Key

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