Services for Holy Week and Easter

A list of the various services during Holy Week and Easter. More details will follow as available.

Here is a listing of the special services for Holy Week and Easter. العاب تربح مال حقيقي   If you are a visitor you may be interested in more information about our worship.

Sunday, March 28:

  • Palm Sunday: Procession with Palms, Retelling of the Passion, Eucharist.  A bi-lingual service with the San Esteban Community

Wednesday, March 31:

  • Eucharist, 12:15 pm

Thursday, April 1:

  • Maundy Thursday —  Prepared Supper at 6:30 PM in the Church integrated with the Maundy Thursday liturgy, stripping of the altar, and reservation of the sacrament in the Garden of Repose.  This is a bi-lingual service with the Community of San Esteban

Friday, April 2:

  • Good Friday: Good Friday liturgy, 10:30 am

Saturday, April 3:

  • The Great Vigil of Easter, 8 pm: Lighting of the New Fire, First Eucharist of Easter — Archbishop Michael Peers will be the Celebrant

Sunday, April 4:

  • Easter Sunday: 10:30 am Eucharist and Flowering of the Cross.  A bi-lingual service with the San Esteban Community


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