Friendship and Solidarity

Friendship and Solidarity

Oasis Series in the Heart of the City
Evening Services of Music and Prayer
to Nourish the Justice-Seeking Soul

Saturday, November 13, 2010, 5pm
with special guest,
jazz saxophonist Colleen Allen

Join us this fall on the second Saturday of each month for music services with a justice theme. Each month we will gather together for readings, musical offerings, congregational singing, reflections and actions based on a particular justice theme with a special musical guest. Services begin at 5pm and are followed at 6 by a reception and information sharing related to the justice theme of the day.

Stay tuned for services in the new year!!

Worship Team: Marilyn Dolmage,
Jennifer Henry, Sheilagh McGlynn,
Elizabeth Raybould, Becca Whitla

Holy Trinity Mission Statement: We are
a community of people who seek to express the Christian faith through lives of integrity, justice and compassion, fostering lay leadership, compassion, welcoming the doubter and the marginalised, and challenging oppressive social structures wherever they may be found.

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