Day: April 8, 2011

Bulletin – April 10, 2011

HT Bulletin Sunday April 10 2011 Lent 5 (1.5MB) Here’s a pdf version of the bulletin formatted for printing and assmbly. You’ll need to check

Holy Week and Easter – Semana Santa y Pascua

Palm Sunday – Domingo de Ramos – April 17 de Abril

Spoken Eucharist (English) – 9:00 am
Festive Eucharist/Misa (Spanish and English) – 10:30 am

Wednesday of Holy Week – April 20 de Abril

Eucharist (English) – 12:15 pm

Maundy Thursday – Jueves San – April 21 de Abril

Supper & Eucharist/Cena y Eucaristía – 6:00 pm

Good Friday – Viernes Santo – April 22 de Abril

Good Friday service (English) – 10:30 am
Good Friday walk / Camaminata de Viernes Santo – 2:00 pm

Easter Vigil – Vigilia Pascua – April 23 de Abril

(Spanish and English) – 8:00 PM

Easter Day – Domingo de Pascua – April 24 de Abril

Spoken Eucharist (English) – 9:00 am
Festive Eucharist and feast/Misa y Fiesta Pascua (Spanish and English) – 10:30 am


Marilyn’s Wisdom

In the fall of 2010, Marilyn Ferrel, a woman who all her life has battled the physical challenges of cerebral palsy and the emotional challenges