Invitation: Meeting to Discuss the Diocesan Guidelines on Same Sex Blessings

June 8, 2011 at 7:00pm Church of the Holy Trinity Refreshments provided The Church of the Holy Trinity invites you to a meeting to discuss both the recently released guidelines on same sex blessings and the process of identifying participating churches. We would like to have a discussion among those churches who have been invited to participate and churches who are interested in conducting same sex blessings but have not been explicitly invited. We would like to know how people in various church communities view the guidelines: * What theological perspective do they reflect? * Do they represent a step forward? * Will the process enhance the inclusion of gay and lesbian people in the Anglican Church of Canada in this diocese?

June 8, 2011 at 7:00pm
Church of the Holy Trinity
Refreshments provided

The Church of the Holy Trinity invites you to a meeting to discuss both the recently released guidelines on same sex blessings and the process of identifying participating churches.  We would like to have a discussion among those churches who have been invited to participate and churches who are interested in conducting same sex blessings but have not been explicitly invited.

We would like to know how people in various church communities view the guidelines:

  • What theological perspective do they reflect?
  • Do they represent a step forward?
  • Will the process enhance the inclusion of gay and lesbian people in the Anglican Church of Canada in this diocese?

We would like to share our views and to hear yours.  Please consider sending wardens, lay delegates, clergy or members of gay and lesbian groups in your parishes.  We hope to have a lively and fruitful discussion which might help coordinate responses.

Please RSVP to Sherman Hesselgrave at  All are welcome!


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