Holy Week at Holy Trinity

2012 Holy Week Schedule (Holy Trinity and San Esteban)

All services are bi-lingual (Spanish-English) except for Good Friday (English only)

Palm Sunday — April 1st 10:30 AM (Family Choir rehearses at 9:45 am)

Maundy Thursday — April 5th Supper and Maundy Thursday Liturgy 6:00 pm

Good Friday — April 6th 10:30 am (includes a children’s program)

2:00 pm Ecumenical Good Friday Social Justice Walk

The Great Vigil of Easter — April 7th 8:00 pm

Lighting of the Paschal Fire; Liturgy of the Word; Baptism and Renewal of Baptismal Vows; First Eucharist of Easter

Easter Day — April 8th 10:30 am Festive Eucharist with Flowering of the Cross


On Key

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