Want to order a Holy Trinity PRIDE T-Shirt?

We are taking orders for Holy Trinity Pride t-shirts.  The more orders we have, the bigger the discount, so if we were to order 10 shirts with the design front and back, the cost would be $22.70 CAD plus HST.  Shirts come in sizes S, M, L, XL and 2XL.  Colour options are: White, Red, Gold, Ash Gray, Teal, Black, Navy, Light Blue, Kelly Green, Royal Blue.

To order send an email to shesselgrave AT holytrinitytoronto.org with the following information:

Your name and physical address (in case you don’t pick your shirt up)

Number of shirts with size and colour indicated.

Shirts can be picked up at Holy Trinity on Pride Sunday (July 1st) or by arrangement.

Please submit your order by Wednesday, June 27.


On Key

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