“Money Can’t Pay For A Life”

I would like especially to call your attention to Canada’s History Magazine – athttp://www.canadashistory.ca/Magazine/Online-Extension/Articles/Orillia-Asylum.aspx
All in one place, this includes:
  • information about an article on HRC which will appear in their latest edition (on newstands today or tomorrow, I expect). Heartbreak in Huronia was written by Heather Robertson
  • a fabulous photo of HRC class action lead plaintiffs Marie Slark and Pat Seth, which can be downloaded
  • a link to very thorough CBC National TV News about the HRC settlement. There are several very strong survivor voices to be heard here. (I think this is the best TV news coverage I have seen yet)
  • a link to the settlement agreement
  • a link to a video tour of the institution as it looked at some time since it was closed just 4 years ago. You can see how neglected the building is (and how lax the security)
  • a link to Opening Ontario’s “Saddest Chapter:” A Social History of Huronia Regional Centre – a current article in the Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, by Dr. Kate Rossiter, Assistant Professor of Health Studies and Annalise Clarkson, Masters Student, Social Justice and Community Engagement  at Wilfrid Laurier University, Brantford, Ontario
CBC Radio Metro Morning interviewed class member Michael Callahan and I yesterday –http://www.cbc.ca/metromorning/episodes/2013/09/18/money-cant-pay-for-a-life/
(I think Michael provides one of the most succinct and yet extremely poignant accounts of life in HRC that I have ever heard. It was an honour for me to follow him.)
This was similar to a CBC Radio Ontario Morning interview today, heard across Ontario – http://www.cbc.ca/ontariomorning/episodes/2013/09/19/huronia-regional-centres-tragic-past/
I insisted that they start with tape from Michael but they shortened his piece.
Sun TV interviewed Pat Seth yesterday. This segment begins with a challenge to Premier Wynne – to face her responsibility to survivors – http://en.video.canoe.tv/archive/source/kenora-daily-miner-and-news/huronia-regional-centre-settlement/2680911282001
 CTV’s Canada A.M. interviewed lead plaintiff Marie Slark and lawyer Celeste yesterday – see http://video.theloop.ca/news/watch/settlement-a-major-victory/2679807467001?sort=date&page=1
The news has been carried by many other media outlets. We’d like to hear about those you have seen.
Each has its own introduction – and the differences among them are interesting.
This was the front page story in the Toronto Star yesterday – and well worth finding in hard copy. Reporters took particular interest in the institution cemetery – and continue to track down the story about unmarked graves.
Urgent: Star Reporter Tim Alamenciak would like to speak to anyone who has family buried in that cemetery, in any of the 1440 unmarked graves (whose death would have occured prior to 1958).
Please contact him asap  via talamenciak@thestar.ca if you have any information.
Barrie’s CTV station filmed at the institution yesterday and followed up with class member Harold Dougall and former staff member Pam Carter – see http://barrie.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=1006547
This shows details of the institution cemetery and how it looks now.
We have just learned that the Motion for Settlement Approval in court will be heard on Tuesday December 3, 2013 for one day. Koskie Minsky says: “At that hearing the court will determine if the settlement reached between the parties is fair, reasonable and in the best interests of the class.  The claims process will not begin until after the court approves the settlement.”
Please share this update widely.
Worth repeating:
“History despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again.” (Maya Angelou)
from Marilyn Dolmage


On Key

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