Ash Wednesday and Lenten Community Nights at Holy Trinity

Ash Wednesday Services 

There will be two Ash Wednesday liturgies on March 5th: 12:15 PM and 7:00 PM

The evening service is preceded by a light supper of Lentil Soup and Salad beginning at 6:00 PM (donation invited)

Wednesday Community Nights in Lent

Beginning the following week, March 12th, and continuing until the 9th of April, there will be a simple supper, beginning at 6:00 PM,  followed by a video and discussion using the Living the Questions series.The evening will conclude between 8:00 and 8:30.  There will be signup sheets in church for each week or you can email Sherman: shesselgrave at

There will be a parallel program for children, if needed. Please email Beth Baskin: bbaskin at if you will be bringing children. Suppers will be prepared by members of the community and a donation will be invited. If you would like to help with the suppers contact Sherman.


On Key

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