Fear and Hope with the Fallen Angles

Our band, The Fallen Angles, are playing at the 10:30 service tomorrow morning. The theme is "Fear and Hope". Lots of music and a mix of ancient and modern texts with no sermon. Hope you'll come join us.

Our band, The Fallen Angles, are playing at the 10:30 service tomorrow morning. The theme is “Fear and Hope”. Lots of music and a mix of ancient and modern texts with no sermon. Hope you’ll come join us.

Holy Trinity is at 19 Trinity Square. Trinity Square is centred between Bay, Dundas, Yonge and Queen. Hidden in the canyon of the Eaton Centre and Marriott Hotel.

The Church of the Holy Trinity is a community of people who seek to express their faith through lives of integrity, justice and compassion. We foster lay leadership, include the doubter and the marginalized, and challenge oppression wherever it may be found.


On Key

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