Holy Week and Easter at Holy Trinity

The empty tomb with garden
The empty tomb with garden

Sunday, April 13  PALM SUNDAY  10:30 AM  (English only); Domingo de Ramos 2:00 PM (en español)
Thursday, April 17 MAUNDY THURSDAY 6:00 PM Supper and Maundy Thursday liturgy (with San Esteban Community)
Friday, April 18  GOOD FRIDAY LITURGY 10:30 AM; 2:00 PM Ecumenical Good Friday Walk for Justice.
Saturday, April 19, GREAT VIGIL OF EASTER  8:00 PM (English only)
Sunday, April 20, EASTER DAY SERVICE 10:30 AM (with San Esteban Community)

The flowered cross
The flowered cross


On Key

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