Sunday, April 13 PALM SUNDAY 10:30 AM (English only); Domingo de Ramos 2:00 PM (en español)
Thursday, April 17 MAUNDY THURSDAY 6:00 PM Supper and Maundy Thursday liturgy (with San Esteban Community)
Friday, April 18 GOOD FRIDAY LITURGY 10:30 AM; 2:00 PM Ecumenical Good Friday Walk for Justice.
Saturday, April 19, GREAT VIGIL OF EASTER 8:00 PM (English only)
Sunday, April 20, EASTER DAY SERVICE 10:30 AM (with San Esteban Community)
Third Sunday After Epiphany
This Sunday we read from The Gospel According to Luke and Paul’s 1st letter to the Corinthians. The homily is offered by Kimberly Curry and