Holy Cross Sunday will be marked in both the service and children’s time this week beginning at 10:30 AM
Ian Grundy, our new music director will play his first service this Sunday. Ian has a rich and diverse background in music. Since 1997, he has been teaching music at Buttonville Public School (Grades 1-8). He has also been the music director of two Anglican congregations: St Cuthbert’s and Christ Church, Deer Park. He conducts a chamber choir, VocalPoint, which has held concerts at Holy Trinity in the past.
Children’s program for school age children begins this Sunday. We leave during the peace and will explore images of the cross and forgiveness together.Our children’s program combines stories, conversation, prayer and physical activity determined by the children present. Beth Baskin leads our children’s ministry and has thirty years of experience exploring faith with children.

Eighth Sunday After Epiphany
This week for the 8th Sunday after Epiphany and the Last Sunday before Lent, we read from The Building by David Ignatow and The Gospel