Advent and Christmas at Holy Trinity

Advent Services 10:30 AM Sundays December 7, 14, & 21.

On Advent Sundays from 9:00 to 9:30 AM there is a Bible Study on Gender Justice, using a resource from the Church of Ireland.

December 14, Advent III will be an interactive service for people of all ages. with musical leadership from the band Fallen Angles. December 7 & 21 will have separate programming for children. Toddlers are welcome to be  in the sanctuary with family and can use our carpet and toys as they wish.

During Advent come to one of 12 performances of The Christmas Story. It is a great tradition to start or continue beginning December 5th. Tickets can be reserved on the right sidebar.

Wed, Dec 24, Christmas Eve 7:30 PM Mulled Cider and Caroling      8:30 Festival Eucharist with Traditional and Contemporary Music

Thurs, Dec 25 Christmas Day 10:30 AM Eucharist with Carols

Sunday December 28 10:30 AM Eucharist with Readings and Carols

Sunday, January 4 10:30 AM  Epiphany Sunday


On Key

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