Palm Sunday – Disrupting Empire

The story of Palm Sunday is a story of theatrical resistance: a usurping of entrenched authority...

fist-palm3The story of Palm Sunday is a story of theatrical resistance: a usurping of entrenched authority. The procession into Jerusalem parodied the imperial triumphus of the roman occupiers and even that of earlier Jewish kings. Christ’s entry into Jerusalem claimed the imagery of power and turned it on its head–a donkey, not a war horse; children, beggars, parents and labourers, not an army and priests.  His entry proclaimed not imperial power, but a new realm of peace: a place where what matters are not the powers, but the people and the land itself.

Join Fallen Angles and the whole community of Holy Trinity as we consider Christ’s disruptive power in the face of empire, both then and now, in story, movement and song.

March 29 at 10:30am


On Key

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