Panter’s Pub

pp3_springPanter‘s Pub*
Fri, Mar 27, 2015
7:30pm to 11:30 or so
free, but donations appreciated (to cover costs)

A private musical pub night for members (of Holy Trinity) and guests only in the old chapel. We’ll gather and listen to live music and sing some great songs together, talk, dance and share libations and maybe hatch some plans.
Who: Feel free to invite/bring friends, but we will not be publicly advertising this because it would cease to be a private event held in a private space and we would then need to get an official liquor license.
RSVP would be very helpful in planning.

Food and Drink:
Pot luck munchies and BYOB.
Entertainment: Various musical friends and I will be providing an anchor through the night. If you want to get up on stage at some point, get in touch with me by Feb 22 and we’ll figure something out.

If you are interested in performing (music, poems, reading), then please make careful selections to fit in 15 minutes and please rehearse as best you can. My hope is that this can be a good sharing of art and time together, but I want to resist randomly standing up to do unprepared work. Check with me around your set-up needs to see if you need to come early to set up.

How to help: If you want to help make this a successful event, we could could use a few things to decorate the space and improve the pub atmosphere:

  • 5-6 card tables (if anyone sees these available for cheap or free at a garage sale or on Kijiji or something, that would be great.
  • 3-4 padded bar stools. Again, cheap or free from somewhere would be great
  • aimable floodlight bases. These are often used to light signs or thing like that. We could use a few to provide stage lighting to help create a nice atmosphere
  • white garden lights (or patio lanterns). We’d like to keep the room lights off and create a nice low-light atmosphere conducive to a pub feeling.
Schedule: I see opening the doors at 7:30pm and the first performance starting at 8pm something like this:
8:00pm – first slot
8:15pm – second slot
8:30pm – third slot
8:45pm – recorded music and conversation
9:00pm – fourth slot

9:15pm – fifth slot

9:30pm – sixth slot
9:45pm – seventh slot
10:00pm – recorded music for dancing and conversation

11:30pm – cleanup

* Ron Panter was a long time member of Holy Trinity, an artist and musician. He worked hard on rejuvenating the space we’re having the party in and was one of the folks I have played with over the years.


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