Time for Reconciliation

Mark these dates: May 29-June 3 2015.


Coinciding with the closing ceremonies of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and the release of its final report, KAIROS’ Time for Reconciliation represents an ongoing commitment to reconciliation and relationship building.

In Ottawa, the action begins Friday afternoon, May 29 with KAIROS’ Intergenerational Gathering, which continues on Saturday, May 30. The Walk for Reconciliation, expected to draw thousands, is scheduled to begin Sunday morning, May 31. This day may also include an ecumenical worship service organized by local churches. Monday, June 1 features educational events hosted by KAIROS and the TRC. The TRC Final Report will be presented on Tuesday, June 2. A by-invitation ceremonial closing of the TRC will take place on Wednesday, June 3 and will include a community feast.   Stay tuned for a complete schedule of KAIROS events in Ottawa that support and complement TRC events.

There will be some Holy Trinitarians there for sure. Join us if you can.

More details at the KAIROS page.


On Key

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