Book Sale raised over $2900 on Thursday and Friday, June 25 & 26

books_featureThe Holy Trinity Refugee Committee will host it’s Annual Book Sale on Thursday, June 25 & Friday June 26 from 9 to 5 or so. This will be held on the south side of the building.

All funds raised directly support the work of The Holy Trinity Refugee Committee. The committee is currently sponsoring a family of four from Columbia, a man of Palestinian descent from Iraq and a father and daughter from Iran. With the support of the Church of the Holy Trinity and other amazing volunteers and contributors, we are able to provide financial and emotional support for these seven refugees while they settle into a new country and community. Always looking ahead, we are excited to continue with the tradition of a book sale fundraiser which over the years has contributed directly to the support of our newly arrived families.

Donations of books (no magazines or textbooks) can be dropped off at 19 Trinity Square Monday to Friday 11 AM to 3 PM. If you require pick up contact Margot at or 416-598-4521 ext. 222


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