“Lost but not Forgotten” Memorial at the Huronia Regional Centre cemetery on Sunday May 8th

On behalf of survivors and allies in Remember Every Name, I want to invite you to the “Lost but not Forgotten” Memorial at the Huronia Regional Centre cemetery on Sunday May 8th.

This will take place from 1:30 to 4:00 PM at Huronia Regional Centre Cemetery 650 Memorial Avenue Orillia.

Lots of details on their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/events/252014511814115/

or contact remembereveryname@gmail.com or 705-645-0298
Poster B&W

We would welcome Holy Trinity and any other faith group people to say a blessing – in whatever tradition is theirs. Survivors say that most people were buried in this cemetery without funerals. They remember that their friends just disappeared.


On Key

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