Celebrate Sanctuary North’s 15th Anniversary on November 5th

Saturday, November 5 from 5 to 9 PM Celebrate Sanctuary North’s fifteenth anniversary! There will be supper, a bar, music, entertainment and a slide show of Sanctuary North’s fifteen year history here in the church, 19 Trinity Square. This event is hosted by the Sanctuary North Board and related organizations.
Sanctuary North would not exist if it hadn’t been for a sixty thousand dollar grant that the congregation approved from a “windfall” we received just before the turn of the century. A lot of people from Holy Trinity and San Esteban communities have been involved from the outset though Sanctuary North has welcomed refugees from many different communities.
Please speak with Lee or Michael Creal or Ian Sowton to say you are coming so we can plan for realistic numbers. Email mcreal@yorku.ca It will be a great occasion. A Holy Trinity achievement worth celebrating!

Photo: Looking out from the porch of Sanctuary North over the York River. Sanctuary North is located north west of Bancroft, ON.


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