Niigaani-gichigami: Gratitude Walk and Festival, June 16th

Friday, June 16th,

6pm Sherbourne Waterfront

7pm BBQ St. James Park, King and Church St.

We would be honoured to have your presence amongst us in prayer and witness as we seek to come together as a diverse community to acknowledge our interdependence on one another, our faith traditions, the land, and the water we live on. This festival is interfaith and intends to express gratitude for Lake Ontario (Niigaani-gichigami in Anishnawbe, Ontario is the Huron-Wendat name). The June 16th Gratitude Walk and Festival will begin with  Loreen Blu Waters opening us in a water ceremony, followed by prayers and songs offered by different faith leaders.

After the prayers of gratitude and for the health of Niigaani-gichigami and all the waterways connected to it, we will be led the Eastern Woodlands drummers towards St James Park (King and Church St) for the festival.

The festival will feature a free/donation based BBQ, showcase of art exhibit Wellspring (which highlights issues around the Great Lakes), live music, opportunities to learn about different water-walks/events, and art activities for all ages.

Niigaani-gitchigami 2017 Values Poster



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