Walking With Our Sisters

Walking With Our Sisters
Website: www.walkingwithoursisters.ca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WWOSTO/
Twitter @wwos1 #wwos
Instagram: wwos_to

This October in Toronto, there is a very special opportunity to honour and remember the more than a thousand, Indigenous women, girls and Two Spirit people who have been murdered or remain missing. Walking With Our Sisters is a commemorative art installation hosted at the Aboriginal Education Centre, at 16 Phin Avenue, near Donlands and Danforth, from the 15th to the 22th of October.

Walking With Our Sisters is a national community based commemorative project of nearly 2,000 “vamps” — the tops of moccasins that have been intentionally left unfinished signifying the loss of unfinished lives. More than an art exhibit, this ceremony invites you on a journey to remember the losses, to honour grieving families and to work for change.

Together with the Church of the Redeemer, Holy Trinity has supported the project by covering the cost of a print run of promotional buttons that have been used for fundraising.

I hope you can find some time to visit the installation, on your own or with a friend. Taking such a journey is both heart-breaking and community mending.

Susie Henderson
(Susie has been participating on the fundraising sub-committee of the WWOS planning team.)

A Prayer for Walking With Our Sisters

Grandmother God,
Your loving intention stitched the world into being
You embroidered goodness into the pattern of all creation.
Every plant, every creature, every life reveals Your careful handiwork.
Every injustice rips at the seams of Your design.
Today we mourn Indigenous women and girls, missing and murdered —
so deeply loved by You and remembered in community.
Be with families that wait and grieve.
Be with peoples that name and honour.
Be with communities that seek Your mending justice.
We are Your beautiful and troubled creation,
teach us, restore us, and renew us,
from generation to generation.
(by Jennifer Henry)


Rebeka Tabobondung interviews Christi Belcourt for MUSKRAT Magazine about the Walking with our Sisters exhibition.


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