Trillium flower

ISARC Election Kit for Faith Communities

From the Interfaith Social Assistance Reform Committee:

Vote for a Poverty Free Ontario!


The ISARC Election Kit focuses on Income Security, Housing, and Employment Justice. The Kit contains practical information on how to find the candidates in your riding, how to organize all-candidate meetings, questions for the candidates along with practical user ready form letters plus much more.

“ISARC has prepared a toolkit for faith communities to discuss issues and deliberate on electoral choices. As faith communities we have an obligation to care for those most vulnerable and marginalized in our communities.

Feel free to make as many copies as you want!

Election Day is Thursday, June 7th. The official election campaign starts this Wednesday, May 9th.

There are important issues at stake to the Province as a whole and to the Faith Communities in particular.

Elections are won riding by riding.

Please contact us if you have any questions or need help.
Let us know if you would like lawn signs. Vote for a Poverty Free Ontario!

For updates visit or friend us on ISARC’s Facebook page.”


On Key

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