Summer Job: Concert Co-ordinator and Visitor Guide

Above: Last year’s Concert Coordinator & Visitor Guide Danielle Sum with Music Mondays Musicians

Summer Job Opening: Concert Coordinator & Visitor Guide
Church of the Holy Trinity is an historically designated, busy downtown church with a long history of activism, radical hospitality, and support of the arts.

I. Concert Coordinator for Music Mondays:
The Concert Coordinator will provide administrative and logistical support to “Music Mondays”, a summer concert series; publicize and promote the series through all media; be present at all
concerts to support artist and patron needs; prepare all related reports; oversee artists’ contracts; bank receipts; prepare all print materials; maintain statistics; research & develop fundraising

II. Visitor Guide:
In addition to the above, the person in this position will provide hospitality to all visitors to the church, including socially marginalized individuals who often come in to the church seeking
quiet and security. They may be suffering from addiction and mental illness. To create a welcoming and safe environment for all visitors.
Tasks include: overseeing a daily drop-in; make coffee, serve donated food, replenish supplies, clean up, order supplies.
Development, promotion, & execution of tours of the church; develop copy, print & electronic, materials of historic/architectural interpretation; study archival records to interpret historical and
urban development of the area; transfer selected archival materials into digital format; respond to the needs of vulnerable, homeless, mentally ill, and street-involved individuals, by compassionate listening and linking to community agencies; maintain statistics.

This position is made possible by a grant from the Canada Summer Jobs program which stipulates that the successful candidate must be coming from full-time school attendance and intends to return to full-time education in the fall. The successful applicant will be at least eighteen years of age, a responsible, self-motivated, creative individual with an interest/knowledge of history/urban development/the arts, or related fields, and interested in
people. A satisfactory police reference check is required for this position.

Period: 8 weeks, 32.5 hours/week (includes holiday Mondays)
Remuneration: $15/hour
Application deadline: Monday, May 21
Please submit resume and cover letter to: No telephone calls, please.

Concert Coordinator & Visitor Guide.posting.May 2018


On Key

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