Candles in ice - image by Goodmami

Midwives of Loving Justice

The Advent Planning Team is Beth Baskin, Clara Pasieka, Jim Houston, Jo Connolly, Leonard Desroches, Luc Desroches, and Sherman Hesselgrave. The team set this overall theme of Restless Waiting to reflect the unsettled times of our community and the wider world. Advent is traditionally a time of anticipating for the Birth of Jesus, which is usually an excited waiting. There is also anxious waiting, such as that of a refugee family who wait for their travel documents. There is concerned waiting of those who will be launching into a new phase of life. Together this holy Advent season we will explore different kinds of waiting and a variety of ways to comfort and nourish our souls and faith community

Today, the Fallen Angles lead us into midwifery of loving justice…


On Key

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