We’re Hiring! – Worship and Pastoral Care Coordinator

Church of the Holy Trinity is looking for a priest to join our our community. Please share through your networks.

Job Posting- Worship and Pastoral Care Coordinator

Full-time, includes housing allowance, 2 year renewable contract

Grounded in a history of social justice and hospitality, open to Spirit and creativity, mindful of the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and unwilling to settle for easy answers — the community of the Church of the Holy Trinity has always had a heart for the city in the heart of downtown Toronto.

We gather Sunday mornings for worship in a circle with each other.  Our core congregation is small and aging, but we are embarking on a new model with a broader vision of ministry including neighbours and networks.  We are exploring a centre for reconciliation and renewal on our campus, which consists of three heritage buildings.  Monday through Friday we open our doors from 11-3 and welcome whoever wishes to come in – the street involved, shoppers, tourists, business folks – for refreshment, music, a place to pray, a conversation, or rest.

We are seeking a creative and innovative priest to join with, lead and challenge our beautifully divergent community into the future.   

A deeper parish profile is available on our website https://profile.holytrinity.to/

We seek a Worship and Pastoral Care Coordinator who will:

  • Collaborate with the Worship Committee and the Music Coordinator to craft liturgy and deepen theological reflection that speaks to contemporary realities;
  • Offer leadership in worship as well as grow and support teams of leaders engaged in worship;
  • Build up community capacity and create a sustainable model of pastoral care;
  • Foster inclusion and openness and extend the ministry of Holy Trinity beyond Sunday morning and the walls of the church;
  • Strengthen our ecumenical and interfaith collaborations for justice and restoration of right relationships;
  • Collaborate with the Community Director to advance our strategic vision and plan, and foster democratic decision making across the congregation.
  • Supervise and coordinate staff in related areas (music program, children’s program, etc.).

 Qualifications and Skills

A priest in good standing in the Anglican Church of Canada, or the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada who:

  •  Is a creative and inclusive liturgist
  • Shares/articulates a theology that is deep and wide and rooted in social justice
  • Demonstrates hospitality and a reliable pastoral presence with a wide range of people.
  • Is a strong communicator with experience in conflict resolution with a heart for the experience of marginalized people
  • Practices flexibility and rises to the challenge – and a sense of humour would go a long way as well


  • Social media and communication skills

To Apply

Submit applications by March 20, 2020 to:

The Rt. Rev. Kevin Robertson
Bishop York Scarborough, Diocese of Toronto
Subject: Holy Trinity Worship and Pastoral Care Application

Please include the following:

  • A current curriculum vitae;
  • A letter of application;
  • Names and contact information for three references to be contacted if you are short listed


On Key

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