Summer stories of memory and hope

The August services are simplified liturgies, built around a set of children’s stories that resonate with themes of creation, peace, remembrance, gender justice and creativity.  The outline included in the bulletin includes optional thematic suggestions to create something at home on your own time and an opportunity to engage further if you choose.  Join us Sunday Mornings at 10:30am

Resources for participating and links to past services are below.

One Bulletin for the Entire Month

The lyrics for music are provided in this monthly bulletin.  Everything else you need for the service will be projected on the screen. The services do not follow the lectionary. If you would like to use the lectionary readings for your own reflection they are available here on the Vanderbilt library. 

Zoom Meeting Room

On Sunday morning, the meeting room will open at 10:00 AM for visiting and the service will begin at 10:30. Services are being recorded and will be edited and available later on our website and Facebook page. The recording will focus on the homilist and musicians.  Please feel free to turn off your camera and/or microphone at any time during the service. Here is the link to the meeting.

Past Services

Aug 30, 2020

Aug 23, 2020 – full service

Aug 16, 2020 – partial service

Aug 9, 2020 – full service

Aug 2, 2020 – full service


On Key

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