silhouetted figure walking on a city street in the bright light of sunset.

Perseverence – Sunday Morning Gathering

November 8, 2020

Be pleased, O God, to deliver us.
Make haste to help us.
Let all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you.
Let those who love your salvation say, “God is great!”
Come quickly to us in our time of need, O God.

Be our help and our deliverer, now and evermore.

Full Service

Start at the homily (13:41)


November 8: The Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost

MUSIC: Piano Improvisation/Meditation on “Perseverance”

Territorial Acknowledgement

MUSIC: Be Still, My Soul (VU #652)

Reading: Amos (5:18-24)

MUSIC: God of Freedom, God of Justice (VU #700)

Reading: First Letter of Paul to the Thessalonians (4.13-18)

Homily  Dianne Mesh

MUSIC: You’ll Never Walk Alone (Rogers/Hammerstein)

Prayers of the people 

Lord’s Prayer – Holy Trinity version

MUSIC: Siyahamba / We Are Marching (Zulu Folk Song) 

Glory to God


On Key

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