The updated community room

An email thread celebrating the new community room.

Zach: As many of you know, Doug has been working on renewing the community room in number 10 and to replace some flooring that has gone to wear. Wanted to send some photos to show the progress. We still have some art to mount and to install the tables, but much improved. This is part of the bigger plan to renew spaces that have lost their charm or are in disrepair so we can better utilize our campus. Really thankful for the Property Committee’s direction on this.

Vestry Executive expressed their appreciation.

Thanks all,   I can’t really take much credit for this but I am happy with the results.  Thanks go to Ryan doing much of the clearing and organizing, Laura for some of the painting, Margot for the great flooring reference, Dianne choosing floor style colour and Zach for overall vision.  It is very much a team effort.


On Key

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