Booking a Zoom meeting or event for your HT Committee or group

We have a Zoom account to share and facilitate gathering. It is managed via the account. Some of you may already have access to this account. If you need access, contact Margot or Keith to gain access.

The account can only be used for one meeting/event at a time. Below, you will see a calendar that shows the currently occupied times in the account. Times that are already booked are labelled “busy” below. If you have access to or another account, you will be able to see full details.

Please don’t book meetings back to back. Try to keep a 30 minute gap between meetings to avoid conflicts. Please book all the time you need. Running over will prevent another meeting from starting.

If you need to meet at a time that conflicts with another group, then we can facilitate a Google Meet session instead. Contact contact Margot or Keith to set this up.

I am making a video to show you how to book a meeting so that it shows up automatically in this calendar. Until that is available, please notify Keith and Margot when you book a meeting so it can be added here to avoid conflict and confusion.


On Key

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