a close up of a stained glass window in blues and yellows.

Holy Trinity’s 175th Anniversary

“Memory and Hope”


Watch for times and details. They will be posted on the website (holytrinity.to).
Articles from the parish’s rich history will be on display in the chancel and chapel during September and October. The exhibit is being curated by Vivian Harrower and Zachary Grant.

October 23, 2022
Anniversary Service

Our anniversary service will include Diocesan Bishop Andrew Asbil as guest homilist and will be followed by a luncheon. The service will be both in person and on Zoom – a hybrid service- as has become our weekly form of worship since re-opening in the spring. A luncheon will follow for those attending in person.

Memorial Chairs

Already several ‘memorial chairs’ have been purchased in honour of people who have made a difference to our community. We invite you to honour someone special by ‘purchasing’ a chair for $200. Gifts may be made through e-transfer (contact@holytrinity.to ) or a cheque to Holy Trinity (10 Trinity Square, Toronto ON M5G 1B1). Be sure to include the honouree’s name on the memo line of the cheque or in the e-transfer.

With many memories and with great hope,
Vivian Harrower and Sara Boyles


On Key

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