Stella’s memorial was a beautiful celebration of her life and legacy among us. If you were unable to attend, you may view the service for a time at the link below.
A celebration of Stella’s life was held at Holy Trinity on Sunday December 11 at 12:15pm with food, remembrances and music. If you would like to make a donation to the Refugee Committee in Stella’s memory, that would be gratefully accepted.
Stella (Hosker) Savage

Stella grew up the youngest of 4 children in Bebington, Liverpool during the depression. She earned a scholarship to study Social Work at the University of Leeds where her strong beliefs in women’s rights resulted in excommunication from the Catholic Church. Sports were a lifelong passion. She and her partner were runner’s up in Doubles Badminton at the British University Championships in the early ‘50’s.
She emigrated to Canada in 1958 to take a job with the Children’s Aid Society in Stratford Ontario. Soon after arriving she met Malcolm and Ali, and they became a family, joined quickly by Diane and Judy. After living in Montreal and London, our family settled in Orillia in 1966. Stella continued competitive tennis and badminton that included many championships with her partner in crime, Viren Mody. From not knowing how to boil water, she became an accomplished cook, seamstress and host for many extended family and friends. Throughout these years, Stella worked with the Children’s Aid Society, Big Brothers, Big Sisters and Probation Services. If that wasn’t enough, she returned to university at the age of 50 to fulfill a life-long dream to complete a law degree.
After a dream of working overseas fell through, Stella & Malcolm decided to start a new life in Toronto. They joined The Church of the Holy Trinity and became committed activists generously giving their time and intellect to many causes. Stella was a dedicated member of hospice care teams and supported many refugee families. Stella and Malcolm enjoyed adventurous travel around the world, pottering around at the cottage, camping and canoe trips, and time with their family and friends.
We will miss you greatly Mom. Your loss leaves space for someone else to finally win a family game this Christmas!
Memorial Program
Dear Friends,
As most of you know our friend Stella has been “not quite herself” for several months and we have watched her decline. Recently she had been receiving treatment for her cancer. This past week-end she became gravely ill and died last evening at home. Her daughters were with her and various other family members. At the moment plans are unknown. If there is anything that we can do they will contact us.
As she would have wanted, she passed quickly and without a fuss. She is an elder whom we will truly miss. Let us celebrate her life by valuing ours and giving generously to this world, our planet home.