Warmest Greetings!
It is with gladness that we invite you to join with all who can come, in-person at Holy Trinity, or online on zoom, to celebrate the mystery of God-with-Us through the birth of Jesus.
Sunday, Dec. 24th
- 1:30pm- last performance of The Christmas Story
- 4:30pm – communion service with special music, in-person at the church -19 Trinity Square and on zoom. Celebrative socializing following the service. Please bring cookies or squares, as you are able.
Monday, Dec. 25th
- 10:30am – zoom only.
The church building is closed from Dec. 25-Jan. 1st. However, end-of year gifts can still be given online.
Sunday, Dec. 31st
- 10:30am Celtic Service – zoom only.
Peace, joy and love be with you,
Pam Trondson