Looking at the west doors of Holy Trinity from Bay St.

Join us for Christmas

Warmest Greetings!????

It is with gladness that we invite you to join with all who can come, in-person at Holy Trinity, or online on zoom, to celebrate the mystery of God-with-Us through the birth of Jesus.

Sunday, Dec. 24th

  • 1:30pm- last performance of The Christmas Story
  • 4:30pm – communion service with special music, in-person at the church -19 Trinity Square and on zoom. Celebrative socializing following the service. Please bring cookies or squares, as you are able.

Monday, Dec. 25th

  • 10:30am – zoom only.

The church building is closed from Dec. 25-Jan. 1st. However, end-of year gifts can still be given online.

Sunday, Dec. 31st

  • 10:30am Celtic Service – zoom only.

Peace, joy and love be with you,

Pam Trondson


On Key

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