Trinity Hub update

Greetings Everyone,

First and foremost, in addition to regular service, we will also be hosting an ID clinic for people who have lost their ID on Wednesday December 13th! Many thanks to Signey of Hospice Toronto for initiating this ❤ ️ Please see images attached for more information on what kinds of ID Street Health is able to help people recover.
Otherwise our December & January Schedule is as follows:Tuesday & Wednesday December 12 & 13th are regular serviceThursday December 14th T.U.N.M. will be handing out a Solstice meal from 12-1:30PMIf you are interested in helping with meal distribution on Thursday email SandraTuesday December 19th everything will be normal on our side but Theresa & Ben alongside people from their congregation will also be here. We will together distribute Theresa’s Christmas feast.Wednesday December 20th is our final meal before Christmas.We will be closed from December 26th to January 2nd.We will be hosting our second pair of volunteer days on January 9 & 10. We schedule them for the same days/times people would regularly volunteer so they hopefully fit into your schedule.Regular meal service will restart on January 16 & 17.If you have not already, please let me know about your December & January availability in this nifty google form. You can also make suggestions for wisdoms you might want to share during our volunteer days or things you hope to learn. 
I also just received an email letting me know that West Employment Services and Training will be hosting a zoom workshop on Tenant Rights on Tue, Jan 23, 2024 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM EST.Registration is open here.
Daily Bread is also launching a campaign “We need a fully funded Canada Disability Benefit“Learn more on their website.
I have also found out that Out of the Colds have returned. Find out where and when here.
Some other updates from this month’s TDIN Newsletter:National Housing Day UpdateMembers from TDIN Advocacy Committee attended a press conference and heard speakers from The Toronto Underhoused and Homeless Union (TUHU) on November 22nd in Allen Gardens to address issues around being unhoused or precariously housed.  Powerful messages were told in the form of spoken word poetry as well as a variety of impactful speeches.City Pulse coverage: Mentorship Program (Free)Riverdale Immigrant Women’s Centre launched a free one-to-one technology mentorship program for 2SLGBTQ+ older adults and seniors.RIWC is a non-profit organization, providing services to marginalized women experiencing various forms of violence.Click here to view flyer for more information.
CLEO will also be hosting a zoom workshop titled “Recent ruling could benefit migrant farm workers injured on the job” December 12th, 2023 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM . Find out more & register here.
I also received an anonymous question this past week on how The Anglican Church feels about MAID. Being a big tent sort of church on most issues, the Anglican church certainly does not have just one single opinion about MAID. The national Anglican Church in Canada has published a free online ebook (as pdf) entitled “Faith Seeking Understanding Medical Assistance in Dying: Reflections by Canadian Anglicans” that covers some of these perspectives. 
Anonymous question: What is the Anglican churches point of view on Maid for people suffering with mental illnesses
Thank you for reading to the end! Please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns, either directly in reply to this email or you can submit a question through my anonymous google form

Elizabeth Cummings (They/She)
Open Hours Program Coordinator
Church of the Holy Trinity


On Key

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