I stumbled across a great article online. I think it puts the struggle to be faithful today in a helpful light:
Our job is to offer the wisdom of scripture: “Seek justice, love kindness, walk humbly with God.” …
Admittedly, it is a very wide mandate. So much justice-seeking to be done – justice for the land, suffering from runaway oil and gas exploitation and factory farms that are anything but kind. Justice in the face of agri-business that seeks a quick profit, not the long, slow, humble walking with the seasons and the soil that sustains it for our grandchildren. Justice for workers, suffering from anti-union legislation and secret trade deals that disempower them. Justice-seeking as new security legislation threatens to turn CSIS into a secret force, policing those whose legitimate protests – against a pipeline, say – might be construed as “interference with critical infrastructure.”
Read the whole article at EssentialSpirituality.com.