We are looking to the future with the intention to be a life-giving and creative Christian presence in downtown Toronto, celebrating our history and also ready to let go of what will keep us from becoming the vibrant spiritual community we are called to be.
An ever-growing number of people describe feelings of isolation. We believe that churches have something to offer in this space. At the same time we recognize that churches have done and still do much to exclude. With our diverse theological background, we believe that we can offer something that many churches cannot. We wish to be a community with spirituality at its heart, and unconditionally welcoming and open to everyone where they are, of whatever faith or of none, and to foster many conversations and experiences of life and spirituality.
As a community, we are continually exploring how to further open our doors, energizing and supporting the broader community and each other.
Mission Statement
The Church of the Holy Trinity is a community of people who express Christian faith through lives of integrity, justice and compassion. We foster lay leadership, include the doubter and marginalized, and challenge oppression wherever it may be found.

We have an email list and newsletter for members and friends. You’ll also find us on the main platforms as HolyTrinityTO (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram).
Our campus is made up of three buildings in Trinity Square in downtown Toronto. It’s an oasis in the centre of the city which we have, so far, defended from development. You’ll find directions to our campus here.
10 Trinity Sq, Toronto, ON, M5G 1B1