Tag: Easter

Applique altar frontal showing bands of colour evoke morning light over downtown Toronto where a figure emerges large in the core.

Holy Week & Easter Services

Palm Sunday — April 2 10:30 a.m. in person and on Zoom Maundy Thursday — April 6 1 p.m. Informal Eucharist- in person only Good

Songs, poems & prayers

Hymn for Easter

God’s love bursts into bloomdeep in the dark’s lament,and fills a startled tombwith lively, gracious scent;the stone gives way, death’s head is bruisedand dawn reveals


Easter and Holy Week

2019 Services Palm Sunday, April 14th, (Holy Trinity Community) 10:30 am Liturgy of the Palms and the Passion, read by the congregation Domingo de Ramos


Easter Day!

On Sunday, April 1, we gathered as a community to celebrate Easter. We flowered the Cross, sang, listened to scripture and held a community feast.

Ian Sowton reads Dry Bone Valley

Dry-Bone Valley

It’s like trying to stay upright, scorched and breathless, in the blast of some sneezing rot-toothed dragon. This guided tour, God, is tough going. As