Toronto Homeless Memorial – Tuesday, August 11 noon


Next week and every second Tuesday year round (September 8,  October 13, November 10, December 8, 2015) people gather at noon outside the south doors of The Church of the Holy Trinity beside the Eaton Centre to remember all who have died on the streets of Toronto. The memorial is followed by a light lunch for all.

The Toronto Disaster Relief Committee and The Church of the Holy Trinity put together a Homeless Memorial outside the church in 2000. The photo above is of Bonnie Briggs, founder of the current memorial.  Names have been collected since 1985 and on February 12th, 2013 the 700th name was added. Current list is here:

Homeless-Memorial-OFFICIAL-LIST.July 2015

The Mission Statement of the Toronto Homeless Memorial is: “We remember all those homeless people who have lived in the streets of Toronto, and died as a direct result of homelessness.”

Several stories have been written about the memorial and those who are remembered here:

  • Carol Goar remembers Stewart Poirier who was the 700th name added in 2013.
  • John Bonar of has a collection of audio,  video,  and print stories of the memorial. This is a selection of links, but more exist, if you visit their website; January 2015, October 2014 – videos part 1 and part 2, September 2014 – six names added, September 2010 – five names added,






You can access the church through the mall, from Dundas or Bay streets.


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