Cantemus Singers Concert – December 5 7:30 PM

Cantemus Dec 2015 posterIn our upcoming program “Gloria in Excelsis Deo”,  Cantemus Singers explore the delightfully varied and glorious Christmas music of the Spanish and Austrian courts of the 16th century.  Lively Spanish villancicos (folk carols) by Encina and Cabezon contrast with the serene polyphony of Counter-Reformation composers Tomas Luis Victoria (Christe Redemptor Omnium) and Francisco Guerrero (Magnificat from the Vespers of the Three Kings).  Familiar German carols stand side-by-side with joyful motets by rarely heard Vienna-based masters, Jacob Handl, Philipp de Monte and Jacob Clemens non Papa.  A highlight of our program is Mateo Flecha’s ensalada “La Negrina”, that mixes Spanish and African–inspired folksong into a spirited Christmas entertainment.

The concerts take place in two venues.   On Saturday December 5th at 7:30 p.m., the choir will perform at the Church of the Holy Trinity in the Eaton Centre.    The choir’s second performance will take place the day after, on Sunday afternoon, December 6th at 3:00 p.m. at St. Aidan’s Anglican Church, 70 Silver Birch Ave. at Queen St. East. Tickets are $20 general admission, with children under 12 free.  They are available at Centre 55 (97 Main St., from Nov. 1st), at the door or by calling 416-578-6602 to have tickets set aside for pick-up.   VISA and Amex accepted at Centre 55.

These are benefit concerts to raise money for Community Centre 55’s Share-a-Christmas program that provides Christmas food hampers and toys to over 900 needy families in Toronto’s east end.  We hope you can join us to help make the holidays better for those less fortunate than ourselves.  Cantemus Singers will donate one quarter of the ticket receipts to this worthy cause.

Program details here





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