Cantemus Concerts March 19 & 20

march 2016 flyer online-featureHere on March 19th at 7:30 pm and March 20th at 3:00 pm, the Cantemus Singers under the direction of Michael Erdman will present “Sweet Kisses/Baci Soavi”, a concert of Renaissance Italian madrigals on the theme of love, by masters of expression, Marenzio, Gesualdo and Monteverdi.  The program also includes motets based on texts from the Song of Solomon, illustrating how sensuous Bible verses were transformed into lush and expressive church music.

Tickets are $20, with free admission for children under 12.  Tickets are available at the door or by calling 416-578-6602 to have tickets set aside for pick-up.  For additional information about the concert, please contact Michael Erdman at the number above, or visit the choir’s website at



On Key

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