Holy Week at Holy Trinity

You are invited to join us for the whole Easter Story or just what speaks to your soul.


  • Sunday, March 20 10:30 AM Palm Sunday Service with the procession of Palms – separate program for youth and children
  • Thursday,  March 24 6:00 PM Maundy Thursday with service, supper that involves youth, children, and the San Esteban (Spanish speaking) community. A family sleepover follows
  • Friday, March 25 10:30 AM Solemn Good Friday Liturgy with Choral Music.  Program provided for young people.
  • Friday, March 25 2:00 PM Ecumenical Good Friday Walk for Justice theme this year is “I thirst…” This year the walk will begin at Lake Ontario and proceed up Bay Street to Holy Trinity.  Details on the EGFW  website
  • Saturday, March 26 8:00 PM The Great Vigil of Easter This service includes Biblical readings, the lighting of the Paschal Fire and a service of light, remembering our baptismal vows, and the First Eucharist of Easter. Young people and families are active in the leadership of the service.
  • Sunday, March 27 10:30 AM Easter Eucharist with an all ages present. We will flower the cross and share the Eucharist followed by a celebratory lunch and Easter Egg Hunt. We will use both English and Spanish in this service.


On Key

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