Steinway Piano Fundraiser – Thursday, April 7 7:30 PM

A fundraising concert for the church’s new Steinway “B” Concert Grand Piano

featuring William Aide, piano

William Aide photo






and Robert Aitken, flute,

Robert Aitken with flute March 1, 2015 (Photo credit Daniel Foley)

performing Romantic repertoire together again for the first time in decades; works by Burton, Schubert/Boehm, Linton-France, Chopin, Debussy, and Meyer-Obersleben.


General admission $25 at the door, or contact (416) 598-4521 ext. 301 or email: 

All funds raised will go towards installation and ongoing maintenance.

Join us in Church of the Holy Trinity, 19 Trinity Square beside the Toronto Eaton Centre  to hear this beautiful instrument come to life!

Steinway Piano Fundraising Concert



On Key

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