Calling All Early Birds: Sunday Breakfast Hosting


Early bird volunteers are being called to join the roster of Sunday breakfast hosts at Church of the Holy Trinity. This drop-in with light food is open to all. Many people who are homeless or street-involved attend regularly, often those who must leave shelters early in the morning. Aside from being a place to eat, it is a space that provides friendly listening, quiet time, and a place to be early on Sundays.DUTIES:
– Host a light breakfast in Church of the Holy Trinity’s nave, 8 am – 9:30 am

– Bring light food, such as muffins, peanut butter and bread. Coffee is provided and prepared by staff. Volunteers will be reimbursed for their food purchases with proof of purchase receipts.

– Provide friendly listening for those who attend

– Provide a safe and welcoming environment for refuge from the weather

-Volunteers must be kind, compassionate, and friendly. Experience with homeless and street-involved people is an asset.

-Volunteers must be punctual and reliable.

-Volunteers in this position must be over the age of 18, and must complete a Criminal Record Check. Applicants with a criminal record are not automatically excluded from a ministry position. An individual with a criminal history may be accepted into a ministry position so long as the convictions are not related to the tasks of that position.

-Volunteers must attend all training sessions as required.

-Experience in food handling and food safety is an asset, but not required.

Please contact volunteer co-ordinator Kate Werneburg at, stating your suitability for this position, and your availability for volunteering.


On Key

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