photo of a cloth shopping bag full of bread. Holy Trinity is printed on the bag.

Still present in Trinity Square

Holy Trinity continues to play an important role as a centre of compassion and support in the midst of this epidemic. We are thankful for the outpouring of donations that you have very generously made available to folks who need them. We are now serving 150-200 meals a day, and making food available to take away. We have also distributed many tents, sleeping bags, hygiene items, and cold weather gear. We see how essential these items are becoming for survival as folks on the street, who are facing gridlock in finding appropriate accommodations or places to isolate. We are also seeing more and more housed people who do not have access to food coming for assistance. As almost all services are shutting down, or operating with limited means, these folks need our continued witness and support.

As we approach the peak of this epidemic, we are asking that if you can give, please continue to do so. We have a safe drop-off set up at 10:30am for deliveries (great reason to get out of the house) at our south door. Someone will be there each day to receive your donation. We are still accepting bread, cheese, meat, eggs, cookies, granola bars, and fruits that are easily served like apples or oranges. If you would like to make drop off arrangements in advance please write to or call 416-598-4521.

If you would like to make a financial contribution to our work, Use the “Donate Now” link on our website and you will receive a tax receipt (in Canada) for your donation–thank you!

And finally, in the midst of all that has happened, we continue to smile, laugh, reflect, and offer relationship with our community here in Trinity Square. Please keep our staff, our work, and all people in your thoughts and prayers, as we look to a more just and loving world in each sunrise.


On Key

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