Trinity Cafe Manager launches GoFundMe campaign to support Holy Trinity’s Covid-19 emergency food distribution

Lesley Norton, the manager of Trinity Square Cafe created a GoFundMe account to invite wider support for Holy Trinity’s efforts. As of April 8th, $6,535 has been raised.

I am the Executive Director of a mental health program that rents space in The Church of the Holy Trinity located near Eaton Centre at 19 Trinity Square. During this time we are required to operate our program  remotely.

All money from this fundraiser will go directly to buy and serve food and give necessities to anyone who comes to front doors of The Church of the Holy Trinity between 11-1 daily except Saturday. The people involved in serving are all taking all precautions as well as practising social distancing. I’m doing this on behalf   of everyone that’s experiencing difficulty finding food    especially during these difficult times. The people using this service are not only our homeless but people who have been affected  by losing income due to Covid 19.  

I believe that there are lots of us feeling helpless, isolated at home, unable to help or volunteer.  Please be part of the great and important work being done and donate generously to these efforts.


On Key

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