“Come and follow, follow me,” says our brother Jesus.
“for my yoke will set you free from all fear and pretence.
My way’s exodus and we shall soon leave behind us
cruel oppression’s diligence, howsoever dang’rous.”As we journey, journey on, sometimes weary, cheerless:
plundered earth and freedoms gone, greed, waste, slaughter wrong turns.
Yet for ev’ry hurt that’s done we seek loving redress,
as the Christ in us affirms Yes to hope and kindness.Far ahead your city gleams, built of love undying;
Words by Ian Sowton (2006)
living Godhead from it streams, Being of all beings.
In its kindly warming beams ev’ry tear is drying;
Mercy dances, Justice sings, grace to grace replying.

2nd Sunday of Lent
This week we read from “Beloved is Where We Begin” by Jan Richardson from the Painted Prayerbook as well as the Gospel According to Luke.