We are seeking a priest to join our leadership team and community

The Church of the Holy Trinity, Toronto is seeking the appointment of a priest to ensure worship, spiritual and community growth and pastoral care in response to the needs and aspirations of the congregation and broader community of the Church of the Holy Trinity. 

Parish Profile

Job Description   

The Incumbent will embody a Christian faith and way of life that is loving, inclusive, and justice oriented.


1. support the community of Holy Trinity in its daily life and challenges;           

2. work with the Worship Committee, Music Director and others to create worship, ritual, gatherings, and retreats as an integral part of community life – including integrating the continuing use of participatory online platforms incorporated into our pandemic response;

3. foster and facilitate dynamic and clear communication within the parish and with the wider community through various media, including social media;

4. build on a long history of innovative worship by exploring creative forms of liturgy and renewing Holy Trinity’s liturgical resources to meet the needs and culture of the parish and the wider church communion;

5. strengthen the congregation’s longstanding commitments to social, environmental, and economic justice for the local and global community through theological education, reflection and engagement;        

6. Support and enhance community capacity and efforts to be welcoming, inclusive, diverse, and inter-generational;          

7. challenge parishioners and others to explore ways of living out their faith with integrity;

8. work collaboratively with Vestry Executive and Churchwardens to advance the strategic plan and goals of the parish, and with the Community Director in a position of equal standing;

9. implement the policy and procedures of the parish in given areas of responsibility;

10. be available for pastoral care support, referrals and spiritual guidance for the parish and broader Holy Trinity community;
11. take the lead sacramental role in pastoral offices such as weddings, baptisms, funerals, blessings, etc.;

12. participate in Diocesan Synods, Clericus and other Diocesan commitments as appropriate;

13. carry out other tasks as determined.


  • The candidate will be a priest in good standing in the Anglican Communion [and have the permission of their bishop to apply for the position];
  • Have a faith and theology rooted in liberation and social justice;
  • Deep commitment to social issues (public housing, prison reform, etc.), LGBTQ+ issues Indigenous peoples and reconciliation                       
  • Ability to communicate in ways that speak to contemporary personal and communal concerns of both church members, and the wider community connected to Holy Trinity,
  • Ability to promote dialogue and engagement;           
  • Commitment to a restorative justice approach to conflict resolution;
  • Commitment to addressing the needs of marginalized/oppressed people in terms of health, housing, income and community dynamics;
  • Experience in social change, social justice and the role of the Church.
  • Be a spiritually and emotionally mature person;       
  • The ability to respect and collaborate with people from religious traditions, cultures, lifestyles and communities other than their own;
  • The capacity to learn, flexibility, common sense and a sense of humour.


To the Bishop of the Diocese.

To the Churchwardens and Vestry Executive Committee.

To the Congregation.
Works collaboratively and complementarily in equal standing with the Community Director.  


  1. Must comply with and sign a confidentiality agreement.
  2. The police check must be acceptable.
  3. Must be in compliance with all the Policy and Procedures of the Church of the Holy Trinity.

POSITION RISK ASSESSMENT: HIGH. Police check is required.

PARISH PROFILE:    Accessible at https://profile.holytrinity.to/

SUBMISSIONS: Interested candidates may direct their CV and cover letter to Bishop Kevin Robertson at krobertson@toronto.anglican.ca no later than March 31, 2022.


On Key

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