Category: Reflections


24th Sunday After Pentecost

This Sunday we read from Ruth, a poem from Jan Richardson and the Gospel According to John. A (spooky) sermon is offered by Rev. Dianne


177th Anniversary Sunday

We celebrate 177 years of Holy Trinity this Sunday with readings from Gospel of John, Isaiah and The Oak Tree by Johnny Ray Ryder Jr.


22nd Sunday After Pentecost

This Sunday we read from Isaiah, Luke and a poem by Kate Bowler. Reverend Pam Trondson offers the homily. A Sermon from Pam Trondson Full


19th Sunday after Pentecost

Today we recognize Truth and Reconciliation Day with readings from Gospel of Mark and Book of Esther, as well as a poem for Truth and


17th Sunday after Pentecost

Today we read from the Hebrew scriptures of Preverbs 1 and Wisdom, as well as a reading from Julia Myers titled “A New Quilt of


Labour Day Sunday

Welcome to Labour Day Sunday at Holy Trinity, we read from The Serviceberry by Robin Wall Kimmerer, NOOPIMING – The Cure for White Ladies and